Surecall Fusion4Home are the most powerful cell phone signal booster for mid-Sized home. Fusion4Home supports 4G and 5G devices, including MiFi hotspots and cellular datahubs. New Fusion4Home Max with SureCall’s patented Extended Range Technology (ERT).
SureCall Fusion4Home SC-PolyH-72-YRA-Kit cell phone signal booster kit increases cellular coverage up to 3,000 sq. ft. for all carriers voice, text and 4G LTE data signals.
SureCall Fusion4Home SC-PolyH-72-YP-Kit cell phone signal booster kit increases cellular coverage up to 3,000 sq. ft. for all carriers voice, text and 4G LTE data signals.
The SureCall Fusion4Home Max Signal Booster with Extended Range Technology (ERT) is a powerful and effective solution for improving cellular signal in homes and offices. It is compatible with all major carriers and devices.