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Sierra Wireless AirLink GX450 With Advanced Vehicle Telemetry Support

Sierra Wireless AirLink GX450 gateway comes with advanced vehicle telemetry compatibility. This is an addition to the already exceptional functionality this mobile gateway from Sierra Wireless AirLink has been delivering to businesses worldwide since its launch. And this new addition can work as a significant support to both fleet management companies as well as large enterprises that are looking for applications that can help them have a positive impact on their operations and productivity as well as minimize operating costs.

Let us discuss in brief what this new functionality really means? In simple terms, it allows Sierra Wireless GX450 to gather OBD-II vehicle telemetry data. So, how does it affect fleet management companies and large organizations? Using this new functionality, these business entities, large or small, will be able to enjoy benefits mentioned a little earlier in the piece, by having the capability to track vehicle health and performance.

This is a revolutionary step towards centralizing and simplifying vehicle management across different departments within a business. And this will also do away with the need of a different in-vehicle telematics system for collecting and tracking health data of vehicles.

Vehicle telemetry is best for fleet management companies as well as large businesses that have the capabilities of developing in-house vehicle monitoring systems. Applications that can benefit the most from vehicle telemetry include field and emergency services, public safety, and utilities.

To find out more, please call us today at 1-832-955-1000 or visit

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