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MobileMark PND10-700/2700-GRY LTE MIMO Panel Antenna

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MobileMark LTE Panel Antenna
Price: $565.00
In Stock
Item Number: PND10-700/2700-GRY
Manufacturer: MobileMark
Manufacturer Part No: PND10-700/2700

* denotes required field

Shippinf Lead Time 2-3 Weeks*

MobileMark PND10-700/2700 LTE MIMO Panel Antenna

PND10-700/2700 DataSheet

Mobile Mark broadband PND10-700/2700 antenna offers a high gain, low cost directional dual LTE solution. It is an excellent choice for deploying point-to-point coverage in the 695-2700 MHz band. This model covers the entire range with a VSWR of 2:1.

The antenna offers wideband frequency coverage from 695-2700 MHz, including 4G LTE 700 MHz, 3G Cellular 850 & 1900 MHz, AWS 1.7 & 2.1 GHz, and LTE/WiMAX 2.5-2.7 GHz.

The gain for MobileMark PND10-700/2700 ranges from 9 dBi to 10 dBi for each frequency band. For 695-960 MHz, the gain is 9 dBi peak. The 1710-2170 MHz band has 10 dBi peak gain. Finally, the 2400-2700 MHz band also has 10 dBi peak gain.

Multiple antennas can be phased together to provide increased capacity and target a specific coverage area.

The antenna terminates with two N Jack (Female) connectors located on the backside of the antenna.

The dimensions for MobileMark PND10-700/2700 antenna is 15” H x 15” W (38 cm x 38 cm), this antenna will be unobtrusive in any indoor or outdoor environment.